Meet Stewart O. Jones."I am proud to fight for economic freedom,limited government, and the cause of liberty."
“I commend Stewart Jones for his hard work on behalf of the great people of South Carolina. Our Nation is forever strengthened by public servants like him who earnestly serve their local communities.” -President Donald J. Trump (12/2020)
About Stewart Jones
Upon taking office, he found that local government lacked basic business and management practices. This could be seen by inaccurate employee headcounts, incorrect counts of purchasing cards and unknown/forgotten phone and data lines. Stewart was strategic with bringing transparency and clarity to resolve these issues. The total amount of purchasing cards were reduced from 101 to 81 and over $77,000 (recurring) was saved by the changes from phone/data audit alone. As of January 2019, all purchasing card statements are posted monthly online for all to view.
He also served on the following committees for Laurens County, South Carolina: Chair of Public Works Committee 2015-2017, Committee for Health, Welfare and Public Safety 2015-2017, Committee for Planning and Intergovernmental Affairs 2017-2019, Chair of Parks and Tourism Committee 2017-2019.
He has served on the following committees as a State Representative: Served on the Committee for Medical, Military and Municipal Affairs in the SC House of Reps from 2019-2022, Member of the H.L. Hunley Commission 2019-present, Served on the special ADHOC Committee to review the Article V Convention of States in 2019
- SC Freedom Caucus, Founding Member
- SC Family Caucus, Executive Board Member
Stewart has led the way to restore control of local government to the people whether it be standing up for private property owners against eminent domain or starting independent advisory committees, putting people above politics.
In order to bring a new level of transparency, he and his wife created www.LaurensCounty.us to put all public information online and readily available.
On July 10th, 2018 Laurens County Council passed Resolution 2018-31 Restoring Constitutional Governance thereby nullifying sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 N.D.A.A. Stewart was uncontested and re-elected to serve a second term on Laurens County Council in November 2018.
In December of 2018, South Carolina House Representative Mike Pitts stepped down due to health issues. Stewart was the first to announce his candidacy for SC House District 14. He won a four-way Republican primary on February 19th, 2019 with 52%. He then won the special election on April 23rd, 2019 with 58%. He was sworn in on April 30th, 2019 as State Representative for District 14 including Laurens and Greenwood Counties.
He continues to defend the Constitution of South Carolina and the Constitution of the United States by standing for the entire Bill of Rights. He also voted against the 2019 state budget. At $30,000,000,000 it’s the largest budget in the history of South Carolina. With $9,000,000,000 coming from the federal government, it clearly continues down a path of spending that will eventually collapse our country due to the federal deficit. By doing this, the states are helping an addiction to borrow money that is kicking the can down the road. Some of his main objectives are: decreasing wasteful government spending, increasing transparency of state government, bringing greater accountability for roads and bridges, allowing greater economic freedom, bettering education by getting the government out of the way, restoring sound money, and above all defending life and liberty. Stewart has won the Conservative Award for Excellence from the CPAC multiple years.
He led the way by launching a letter and petition with over 300 State legislators from across the country signing on calling on Biden to end the vaccine mandate. He authored and passed legislation prohibiting Biden’s vaccine mandate in South Carolina.
Stewart fought against voter fraud on and off the Statehouse floor. He helped ensure that South Carolina beat a liberal judge, by upholding our state election laws all the way to the US Supreme Court. He wrote a number of letter urging other states to stand up and calling on Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate election fraud and voter irregularities in other states. As he said on November 11th, 2020 – “South Carolinians and all Americans want an honest outcome and to know that their legal votes mattered. The very bedrock of our Constitutional republic depends on the integrity and democratic process of our elections.” While South Carolina did the right thing, ensuring that all its electors went to President Donald J. Trump, voter fraud in other states diluted the votes of South Carolinians nationally. For this reason, Stewart has filed legislation to increase election integrity in South Carolina. Hopefully this can influence other states.
Rep. Jones is a founding member of the South Carolina Freedom Caucus. An Executive Board Member of the SC Family Caucus. For standing for fiscal accountability, Rep. Jones has received the Conservative Award for Excellence from CPAC multiple years and is one of the top rated State lawmakers with Club for Growth.

“We need people in all levels of government that are willing to stand up for the principles of limited government and more personal liberties. Stewart Jones has proved through the years that he is one of those people. I am proud to endorse Stewart Jones for Laurens County Council.” -Dr. Ron Paul (11/2014)