To request a repair or need help with a road call 803-250-1135 or email [email protected]
South Carolina has about 66,000 miles of roads with an unusually large amount (63%) being controlled by the state. Other states average about 19% control over roads.
Estimates to fix roads across the state are around $11 billion. Like most problems in government, we must change how departments operate in order to ensure greater accountability.
The SC Transportation infrastructure budget increased by 54% from 2009 to 2017 ($1.627 billion). The problem is that it doesn’t matter how much we throw at it, until there’s more accountability regarding how decisions are made at the SCDOT.
Short term, reactive measures like the “pothole blitz” will not provide long term solutions until we become more proactive with the repair of our roads.
I was not in favor of the gas tax that was successfully passed. I think we need a complete audit of the SCDOT and to create a cabinet level position responsible for our roads. This position would be appointed by the governor to ensure its held accountable.
To request an infrastructure need or assistance with a grant call 803-250-1135 or email [email protected]
Water and sewer are extremely significant for the quality of life and future of district 14. I am proud to continue working to get the critical resources for water treatment and infrastructure that we need. It is important that this is done in a transparent and efficient manner.
We’ve spent over $6 trillion dollars in the middle east over the last couple decades, it’s time that our resources are returned home. Under the 9th and 10th Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, rights not specifically enumerated in the U.S. Constitution are retained by the States and the people thereof. States can band together and instruct the Federal government to return American resources home from overseas. It’s long past time to return our resources home to fix the roads, bridges and infrastructure in South Carolina.